Monday, January 28, 2013

Taking Account of One's Friends

When taking account of one’s friends
For those that are real, you will always bend.

To sway and swing like a willow in the breeze.
Being a good friend comes without having to aim to please.

Through thick and thin, tragedy and ease
The mere presence of that friend should always appease.

You dare not put price on that which is friendship
To have good people around is always a gift.

How can one measure the fullness of a laugh?
After calling out their fuck buddies when you know their trade is just trash?

You dutifully tell little white lies, cooing, “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”
Then share in their sadness over 3 bottles of cheap wine.

We all know to judge or criticize is friendship gone wrong
Never badmouth the one who first taught you to smoke from a bong.

It was those weed filled nights generously sprinkled with shots of liquor
We both pledged undying loyalty, then, with cell phones took ungodly amounts of pictures.

We should take the time to go back and revisit those crazed, fun filled nights
You’d realize you forged bonds of steel. Made memories of a youth lived right.

Hold those flashes of remembrance close
And when you catch one, make sure you hold it tight.

1 comment:

  1. This made me tear up a bit. I love you!!! M~
