Капризничать, Россия.
Это первый на многих постах я буду делать, чтобы убедиться, что я делаю, что могу, чтобы транслировать это мерзкое поведение и никогда потемнение климата.
My Russian friends. I have reached out to you once before to thank you for reading my blog. I will always be grateful to you for supporting my efforts to inform and entertain. But it pains me to hear about the horrifying conditions in which the gay, lesbian and transgendered communities are being forced to live under. Whatever your personal feelings on the subject, it is a violation of people's rights to exist. I am an ardent admirer of the steely determination and perseverance of Russians. We, as Americans, share that same commonality. Please don't allow Chancellor Putin to thrust your country backwards into the Dark Ages because of his overwhelming desire to make America look bad (for example, the Snowden issue). The United States is far from perfect when it comes to issues of civil liberties. We have a long history of violent violations against people's rights right here since the birth of America. But, we overcame and are still overcoming them. Through protest and discussion and debate and fighting for what is right. You have friends around the world who will help any peaceful organization you want to start to help overturn tyrannical mandates against gays and lesbians or any group for that matter. Remember the horrors of World War II and how specific groups were targeted for persecution. Protect your country's legacy now. Don't allow one man to make the face of Russian one of hate and bloodshed against a peaceful group of people who simply want to exist.
Act up, Russia.
This is the first in many posts I will place to make sure I do what I can to broadcast this vile behavior and ever darkening climate.
This is very sad. I wonder if it is trying to find a new identity as a country? I am not sure what Putin's goals are. It is very sad. M~